Did you know that most ceramic capacitors lose up to 80% of their capacitance near their voltage ratings?
An Open CVMeter
By limpkin on Monday, November 23 2015, 13:15 - My Projects
By limpkin on Monday, November 23 2015, 13:15 - My Projects
Did you know that most ceramic capacitors lose up to 80% of their capacitance near their voltage ratings?
By limpkin on Monday, June 22 2015, 15:08 - My Projects
This is one of these "just because" projects...
By limpkin on Monday, April 13 2015, 01:09 - My Projects
$120k and a year after my previous article, you might be interested to know what happened behind the scenes...
By limpkin on Sunday, June 15 2014, 17:54 - My Projects
At the end of this month, I'll be leaving my current job. I therefore thought it'd be a nice occasion to build a new business card for my future interviews:
By limpkin on Sunday, March 30 2014, 15:50 - My Projects
I'm sure you must have noticed by now that during these last months I didn't put many projects on this blog. This is mainly because I'm currently working on the Mooltipass project, an offline password keeper idea I launched last december.
I've written articles on Hackaday about the technical aspects of this project, but none about my personal experience managing a team of contributors from all over the globe. I feel it's something that only has its place on my blog, so here we go...
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