My new business card

As it seems to be a new trend out there, I thought I would give it a go :-)

Assembled business card

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Indoor solar energy harvesting: a platform to (finally) get some numbers

Means to extract solar energy are not new, but I'm still not seing anything solar-powered in my everyday life... Why is that so ?
Moreover, when you're trying to get some numbers on how much solar energy you could expect to harvest in an indoor environment, well... you basically don't find anything either...
So, let's build a platform that can finally give some info about the possibility to use solar energy to power your projects :) !

Finished platform

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RGB led matrices with animated gifs

Hey guys, I just came back from a trip to China! Not only was it an occasion to visit this vast country but also a good opportunity to go to the numerous electronics markets in the cities of Xi'an and Beijing. Yes, even on holidays I'm still into electronics ;-) .
So here are the few interesting things I brought back, and especially what I did with them...

RGB led matrix

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Electronic projects and Matlab

I have to admit, I am usually not the biggest fan of interpreted languages and high level programming. But in this case, they were very convenient.
This is thus a small article about what you can do in 3-4 hours with Matlab and a FTDI USB connectivity to your project. As an example, here is a project where my webcam output (well, kind of) gets displayed on my led matrix:

Led matrix with webcam

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The Engine Control Unit monitor project

It has been quite a long time since I last posted a project on this blog... for the good reason that I am going to detail here for you guys!
So in this article you will see a quite complex project I have been working on for at least 6 months, which is an Engine Control Unit (ECU) monitor...

The ECU monitor in DIN version

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