Tag - easy-phi

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Easy-phi Project: High Speed Logic Gate

Next in our Easy-Phi articles series is the High Speed Logic Gate board:

Logic gate board

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Easy-phi Project: Low Cost Dual Discriminators

In physics experiments, it is often required to detect any kinds of electrical signals. That's why we developed this module:

Univ input

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Easy-phi project: the template module

Next in our Easy-phi descriptions: the template module.


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Easy-phi project: the rack and its backplane

So I'm sure that after the previous post where I presented the easy-phi project, you'd like to see the actual hardware. So we're going to start with the rack:

Easyphi rack small

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The easy-phi project: a new platform for experimenters

Hello everyone,
In this post, I will present a new open hardware project we are working on at my work....

Big rack

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